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About Bovin Winery

The beginnings

Bovin Winery is the first privately build a winery in Macedonia. The company was established in 1998, the year when 120.000 bottles of high quality white and red wines were produced. It is these wines which Bovin was represented by in 1999 and 2000 at Agro-Expo Fair in Skopje where “Venus” earned the Champion title in the category of red wines, whereas all other wines were awarded gold medals.

Bovin continued to be 7 years Champion for the red wines at the “Agro-Expo Fair 2001, 2002 and 2003” in Skopje with the wine “Dissan” and 2004, 2005 with the wine ”Daron”. This was the greatest award on the fair and another prove of the quality of Bovin wines.

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Photo Session, December 2019

B o v i n W i n e r y ® T h e C r o w n o f M a c e d o n i a n W i n e s ®

Best Selection

Our Wines

Unique, premium, superior and classic wines


Premium brandy


Grape and cherry brandies


Our Vineyards

vineyards in Tikvesh

More information about our plantations

Our Unique Spirits

Most awarded wines

Our Wine Selection

Negotino wine region

- Part of the Tikves wine region -


Bovin wines can be categorized in Classic, Superior, Premium, and Dessert wines.


Approximately 70% of the production is red wine and 30% is white wine.


7 years Champion for the red wines at the “Agro-Expo Fair 2001, 2002 and 2003” in Skopje

Capacity of Bovin

The total capacity of Bovin winery is 1.5 million bottles of wine.

More Than Wine

Carefully controlled fermentation and Bovin production style

Bovin wines are produced 80% from grapes picked from its own vineyards and 20% from selected vine plantations with the use of environmentally friendly vineyard practices that are protected only once or twice at most during vegetation. This coupled with carefully controlled fermentation and Bovin production style with modern production equipment makes Bovin wines among the most exclusive and highly valued wines in the Republic of Macedonia.

Approximately 70% of the production is red wine and 30% is white wine. All the wines are of high quality and are sold only in bottles of 0,75l and also some wines are bottled in 0,25l and 0,187l.

Get to Know Us

- who we are -


Bovin winery is a private company owned by the brothers Kiril and Gjorgji Bogevski.


Bovin’s quality driven strategy of targeting the domestic market’s high-end consumers has paid the dividend of increasing the exports. Out of the entire quantities of wine produced in 1998, 80% were sold on the home market and 20% were exported, whereas out of the quantities of wine produced from the 2003 crop 45% were sold on the domestic marked and 55% exported to foreign markets. This was clearly an indication of the upward export trend and in 2011 the export has reached 75% from the sales and the 25% sales on the domestic market was more than the 80% in the 1999. Today Bovin wines are found on 5 continents in Europe, North America, Africa, Australia and Asia in totally 36 countries. More details about where to find Bovin wines go to Distribution.


Bovin wines are produced 80% from grapes picked from its own vineyards and 20% from selected vine plantations with the use of environmentally friendly vineyard practices that are protected only once or twice at most during vegetation. This coupled with carefully controlled fermentation and Bovin production style with modern production equipment makes Bovin wines among the most exclusive and highly valued wines in the Republic of Macedonia.


The number of employees in Bovin is 40 and, when required, another 10-20 are hired as seasonal workers.

Our Vineyards

Bovin owns 60 hectares of prime vineyards in Tikvesh wine district. The Tikvesh district has approximately 11,000 ha of grapes, which represents about one third of the total vineyard area of Macedonia. It is the driest area of Balkan Peninsula with a total annual temperature of 5300ºC – 5500ºC and rainfall of 500-600 liters per square meter. The maximum daily temperature during July and August is regularly around 40ºC. With a deep plowing layer, the rich soils supply the grapes with a constant supply of water. Gentile north winds provide natural protection to the grapes. The Negotino wine region, which is part of the Tikves wine region, has around 5000 hectares of vineyards, and around 2000 hectares of those vineyards are with the grape variety Vranec. The altitude of the vineyards in this region is mostly between 100 meters and 450 meters, but in some places can reach up to 600 meters. Most of the soil types are Rendzina (humus- carbonate), then Smolnik, Diluvium and insignificantly Alluvium.

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